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How to Generate Fintech Content Ideas and Create Your Own

Creating content ideas can be challenging, especially when it feels like you’ve “done it all.” However, creating compelling content as a fintech company requires consistently generating fresh fintech content ideas that resonate with your audience.

In this blog post, I’ll show you how to generate incredible content ideas so your content marketing team can focus on creating content that hits the mark. Follow these ideas from long-form content to social media posts, expert interviews, and beyond to supercharge your fintech content marketing efforts.

Great Content Marketing Starts with Great Content Ideas

Before diving into the details of how to generate great content ideas, it’s important to ask ourselves, “Why is this important?” Whether you’ve been in content marketing for a day or years, you’ll know that generating ideas is arguably the most challenging part of the content creation process.

Remember, as long as you create content that your audience cares about and deliver it straight to where they spend time online, you can’t go wrong. It’s tempting to focus solely on topic ideas that revolve around your keyword research (SEO managers might cringe reading this). While SEO is crucial, sometimes you need to leverage your industry knowledge and audience understanding to develop topics and ignore the analytics.

Your audience craves good content delivered consistently, so coming up with fintech content ideas regularly is essential. Fortunately, it’s not rocket science, and anyone serious about taking their content marketing to the next level will benefit from the following strategies.

10 Fintech Content Ideas for All Types of Fintech Companies

Fintech companies that want to stay relevant and increase customer acquisition must produce content regularly. To do this, they need to develop content ideas to execute an effective content strategy. The following tips are for all fintech founders, content marketing managers, fintech writers, business analysts, and anyone looking to create impactful content.

1. Educational Content That Engages Your Audience

A simple yet powerful approach to producing quality fintech content is to focus on educating your audience. An educated audience comprises potential customers who understand your business. The best way to achieve this is by creating a blog with engaging, informative articles that educate people about your business and how it addresses their pain points.

Becoming the go-to source of truth in your corner of the fintech industry is highly important. Documenting frequently asked questions (FAQs) and terminology within a glossary can also have a significant impact on educating potential customers. If you can create explainer videos alongside this written content, even better.

2. Keep Your Audience Updated with News and Industry Updates

Covering the latest trends and developments in your field is another form of content that’s extremely valuable. The speed at which financial technology is evolving is so fast that it’s incredibly challenging to keep up.

Again, be the source of truth in your corner of the fintech space. Provide insights into potential regulatory changes and how they’ll affect your company’s compliance. Discuss new technologies and how your company plans on leveraging them. Offer your audience the ability to gain insights that are hard to find elsewhere. Be the pulse, so you can build trust and have your customers saying, “They’re on it.”

3. Establish Thought Leadership with Expert Opinions

An extension of keeping your customers updated with the latest trends in your space is establishing thought leadership. Monitoring new technology is one thing, but generating new, thought-provoking insights is entirely another.

A great way to engage in thought leadership is to interview leaders in the industry. Not everyone has heard of your business (yet), but they’ve likely heard of the current leaders. Talk with them and leverage their network to make it your network.

You can also drive engagement online by discussing insights and key takeaways from fintech conferences and events. This is some of the freshest, most exciting content that people often don’t hear enough about, so delivering it to your audience can differentiate your business from others who ignore it.

4. Showcase Inspiring Case Studies and Success Stories

People want to be inspired, especially small businesses, start-ups, and your wider audience in general. Highlighting real success from real-life examples that your business helped create is something that’ll make potential customers understand that you care.

One of the most overlooked opportunities I see companies have is not putting case studies and testimonials on their website. Whether that’s in the form of a blog post, whitepaper, email series, or something else, customers want to see how you’ve helped people like them before they give you their business. It’s as simple as that.

5. Empower Your Audience with How-to Guides and Tutorials

Fintech brands that create actionable content that adds direct value to their audience will build significant customer loyalty. Content marketing is becoming increasingly competitive, so providing “free” value to your audience is crucial. How-to guides, tutorials, and pillar blog posts (3000+ words) come to mind.

A fantastic way to empower your audience is by blending content and tech. What I mean is creating a landing page or step-by-step guide on solving a specific problem, like saving for retirement, while also offering interactive calculators. If you’re a fintech business that can develop interactive calculators and allow your audience to use them for free, you’ve got a winner.

6. Share Infographics and Visual Content

Content marketing is more than written content on a blog or website (though that’s my bread and butter); it’s also visual. Creating articles with infographics and other visual content, like videos and animations, will help your fintech brand communicate more clearly with your ideal customers.

We live in a world full of data, so why not leverage it? Use the data your company has collected to illustrate a complex topic more easily. Consider creating a blog post on your website with interactive charts that your audience can follow and use directly. Interactive articles like these are incredibly popular and can drive more traffic to your site over time.

7. Provide Valuable Comparisons and Reviews

Consumers are always on the hunt for the best products, and one of the most common uses of a search engine is to find those products. Creating a must-read roundup of the best products in your space, even if it showcases your competitors, is an excellent way to rank on search and build trust with your current and potential customers.

Instilling and building trust over time is the best way to enhance your marketing efforts. Personally, when I read a blog post that goes through the pros and cons of a particular product or service in a way that truly informs me, I’m instantly more likely to use the product on that website. Your product may not be the best, but at least I can trust you. Both start-ups and large companies can learn from this.

8. Offer Expert Advice and Q&A Sessions

People want to hear from you, and that includes “in person.” In today’s age of remote work and digital nomadism, providing a human touch is incredibly valuable. Hosting live online events such as webinars and Q&A sessions that allow some form of interaction can bolster your brand recognition and build trust.

A fintech business that fields questions from its customers and interviews industry experts based on those questions will attract new members to its business. Whether you conduct expert interviews on your podcast episodes or stream them through social media, this is a great way to enhance your content marketing and see your company become a leader in your space.

9. Build Trust with Personal Finance and Money Management Tips

Helping your customers save money with personal finance or money management tips is a great way to build trust. It’s a direct value-add to someone’s life if you can do this, and it can be delivered through a ton of media, including social media, articles, podcasts, and other long-form content.

Depending on your fintech niche, you’ll want to find a way to provide value to your customers through money saved. That could include:

  • Budgeting strategies
  • Saving strategies
  • Investment tips
  • Investment insights
  • Retirement planning
  • Wealth management advice

Either way, adding value directly to your customers is always a smart choice when directing your company’s marketing efforts.

10. Have Fun with Interactive Content and Gamification

We touched on this before when discussing calculators, but it’s worth repeating; interactive content is a significant leverage point if you can do it right. Embedding tools and other interactive features in your articles, on your website, and anywhere will keep people on your site and increase user acquisition.

Check out an example of an analytics tool/calculator I built and sold called Plebalytics. Having a section on your website with easy-to-use tools and calculators is a great value-add for your customers.

Here are some simple, yet effective, ways to increase engagement using interactive content:

  • Quizzes
  • Trivia games
  • Budgeting calculators
  • Investment simulators

Building these into your website would create a direct asset for your company, but you can always leverage features on social media that can achieve similar results. Boosting your brand with interactive content is essential and should be used more frequently, especially for financial technology companies that build software for a living.

Final Thoughts

The first step to creating content is generating great content ideas. Traditional financial services companies and fintech companies can leverage these tips, but fintech companies have a leg up. The reason is they’re usually closer to the tech and more recently in the space, so they’re more ingrained in the current media and lingo.

As someone who creates a ton of content, on social media and my website, I can tell you it’s a lot of work. However, knowing that it’s possible to create endless streams of informative, engaging content by using simple strategies to generate ideas makes it much easier. And your company can do the same.

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